If you love to travel, but you think it can cost you a lot of money follow the tips bellow and become a super traveller. Travel more!
- Everything begins before your trip, so save more money and buy less. Sometimes we buy things we don't really need. Everytime you are going to buy something ask yourself if you really need that.
- Avoid high season. Especially after summer, everybody that works with tourism is happy because they've made lots of money and everything is cheaper.
- Start to program your trip at least 4 months before it, this way you have time to, from time to time, check the prices of the flight tickets and you will know when it's worth.
- Use websites like https://www.skyscanner.com.br/, you can put your destination and leave the dates open to cheaper options. As well you can put just your city of departure and they can show you the cheapest destination, it includes national and international destinations
- Go to a hostel or an airbnb cheaper house. Some people like to use couchsurfing cause it's free, but I've never tried it. But I like hostels and airbnb houses. Sometimes when it's a little more comfy kind trip, I go to a hotel, but always looking for cheaper prices.
- Google the city before you go. You can find nice tips on blogs that could include better prices of tours, restaurants and transportation.
- Do not spend more than you planned for the trip. If you googled before about the place and prices, you know how much you will spend. I always take some extra money to buy some souvenirs and to do a little shopping if I think the price is ok. Sometimes buying cheaper things in a trip can makes you save money in the future, cause you pay cheaper for something that is more expensive at home.
- Separe how much you can spend per day and take money with you. Credit card can be dangerous and you can spend more than you have.
- Try to have your meals in the places that locals usually go. Normally the meal is good and cheaper than in touristic places. Also, go to supermarkets. I love going to the supermarket while I'm travelling. I always find different stuff.
- At least but not less important, you have to be happy and enjoy it a lot!!
More pics on my instagram @cynthianvn.
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